I have managed to make another 3 Nearly Insane Blocks but haven’t had time to post them, so here I go..
Block 27 which was a little tricky. Will have to fudge those 1/4” seams when I add the sashing.
Next is Block 16
This was relatively easy
Then Block 4 Which I really enjoyed.
I am struggling along with Block 22 at the moment. My printer printed the pattern wrong ( I think it was my margins or something) and I didn’t realise until I had pieced 2 of the outside borders and got 7 flying geese instead of 6. Then I ran out of the outside fabric on the 4th border, so I did what Salinda Rupp would have had to do, and used a different fabric.
Ah well I had done too much to redo the borders. Will post the photo as soon as I’ve finished it.
Thanks for dropping by